It is the policy of the Company to publish in all subject areas of education and in any other subject area that complements the existing publications (backlist).
A List is a set of titles developed for a similar market. JKF lists are designed so as to optimize resources by focusing efforts in specific, predetermined publishing areas.
The normal procedure is for an author to submit his/her manuscript to JKF for assessment on its suitability for publication. If the quality is acceptable, then we undertake all costs of publication and enter into an agreement with the author for payment of royalty based on sales of the book.
The manuscript should preferably be typewritten or word-processed and double-spaced, with each folio (page) clearly numbered. Each folio should be one-sided (i.e. have text appearing on only one side of the paper). The manuscript can also be submitted in a flash disk or CD so long as it is accompanied by a hard copy (print-out).
Generally, any new publishing project will be assessed in terms of:
- How it compliments the backlist, that is, the publications that are still in print and continue to contribute to the revenue of the Company.
- Its capacity to make good sales.
- Whether it makes a significant contribution to the development of knowledge and information in line with JKF’s vision and mission.
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